Emily’s Story Part One

Emily’s Story Part One

Emily's journy back to the cat walk

From time to time I come across clients who ask me to publish their journy without releaisng there true identify, they do this to help other people who may be facing similar situations and would like to share there story to help other people.
This is the story of how hypnosis help a client get back on track, A young woman, client “Emily,” whose life unfolded amidst the radiant lights of the fashion industry. Emily, a woman in her mid-twenties, graced the world’s stages with a smile that could brighten any runway and a confidence that resonated in every captured moment. Her career, a testament to her success, seemed like a fairytale within the glamorous tapestry of high fashion.

Then, along the intricate threads of her journey, entered “Alex.” Their story began against the backdrop of dazzling lights, exclusive events, and the complexities of the fashion world. From a therapeutic perspective, it appeared as a narrative steeped in the allure of companionship and love. Yet, within the confidential confines of our sessions, it became evident that beneath the gloss of outward perfection lay concealed shadows.

As Emily navigated the demands of her career, Alex became a significant figure in her life, promising shared dreams and companionship. Their chemistry, observed from the lens of therapeutic insight, constructed an enchanting story that, unfortunately, belied the complexities beneath the surface.

In the exploration of Emily’s experiences, it became apparent that what started as normal aspects of a relationship eventually evolved into something more profound. The shadows, carefully concealed, began to cast doubt on the very foundations of Emily’s dreams and identity.

This situation isn’t just Emily’s; it is a lesson to be gleaned, and in the confidential space of therapeutic dialogue, it serves as a tool for understanding the intricacies of relationships. As we guide clients through the labyrinth of their emotions, let Emily’s story be a reminder of the importance of fostering independence, recognizing red flags, and navigating the shadows that may obscure the path to self-discovery and healing. Watch this Blog for how this once good relationship turned very toxic.

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Please Note: All images are for illustrative purposes only. All stories and experiences are published under strict confidentiality agreements, they are not images of the actual clients.

Eric Cuthbert


The question is, have your life goals stalled? Are you becoming more frustrated with your situation, it could be Emotional, Behavioral, Lack of Self Development, Career issues, or lack of confidence.
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