Emily’s Story Part Two

Emily’s Story Part Two

As Emilys hypnotherapist, she gave me permission to share the story of her journey as long as I kept her true identity confidential.

Emily wanted me to write about her experience so other women could spot the signs of narcissism which is manipulative or controlling behavior. A narcissist will at first try to please you, impress you even love bomb you, but eventually, their own needs will always come first. When relating to other people, narcissists unless you can sot the signs will try to maintain control. You can take a simple quiz here https://321hypnotherapy.com/quizzes/

Our discussions unveiled a pivotal moment when Emily, in the throes of a blossoming romance with her partner, faced a decision that would alter the course of her life. Emily was a succesfull independent model but there were dry spells between jobs and money did get tight at times, this did cause her stress at times

Her partner, referred to as “Alex” for confidentiality, insisted that Emily give up her rented flat and move into his apartment to save money. At the time Emily though she had found her soul mate so the allure of shared space and the promise of financial prudence persuaded her to take this step.

It was a turning point in her relationship, a moment when the boundaries between independence and co-dependence began to blur.

In our disucssipon via email, Emily revisited the emotions surrounding this decision, exploring the layers of her subconscious where the seeds of dependency were sown.

Emily to delve into the depths of her psyche, unraveling the subtle manipulations that had convinced her that surrendering her personal space was a gesture of love.

The apartment, once a symbol of Alexs’ affection, became a stage where the power dynamics of their relationship played a part in Alexs plan to gain controll

Its very important that clients come to their own desions we can only act as a sounding board and erecomend tretaments that will help make the correct decsion.


Over time Emilys journey, deepend into a phase where the threads of control became intricately woven into the fabric of her life.

After the decision to share living space, Alexs’ desire to be intimately involved in Emilys professional life emerged. He insisted on knowing every detail about the photo shoots before she accepted any work. What initially seemed like a protective concern soon morphed into a subtle form of control.

Of course looking back Emily though Alex had a genuie concern for her safty but part of his plan to controll Emily and her career.

Weeks passed, and with each passing day, the grip tightened. Alexs’ curiosity transformed into an insistence, his inquiries becoming more probing, more invasive. The once-thriving autonomy Emily held in her professional sphere began to erode, this unraveling of these moments revealing the slow but deliberate encroachment on her career.

Emily, in the safety of our emails, recounted the moments when her excitement for upcoming projects turned into a gnawing apprehension. Because she knew she had to run the contract through Alex and he had to agree.

Her journey illuminated the subtle shifts in power dynamics, Alex became the control subtly shifting from a shared space to permeate every aspect of her life.

Emily grappled with the emotional weight of these moments. The quiet, controlling undertones, once imperceptible, now echoed in the recesses of her conscious mind. Emilys space for her to confront these emotions, to acknowledge the signs that, in the dance between love and control, the latter was stealthily taking the lead.

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Please Note: All images are for illustrative purposes only. All stories and experiences are published under strict confidentiality agreements, they are not images of the actual clients.

Eric Cuthbert


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