Liz Had To Many Regrets

Liz Had To Many Regrets

This is the email I recievd from her best friend. Click Here for treatments

Dear Eric

My friend Liz is having a really bad time with feelings of regret and is finding it challenging to shift her focus towards the future. This is making her very unhappy. She has expressed an overwhelming sense of dwelling on past decisions and experiences, leading her to constantly revisit the questions of “what if?” and “if only…” She went to her Doctor and he suggested AntiDepressents. 

I suppose it is common for individuals to reflect on their actions and choices to gain insights and understanding. However, friend seems to be caught in a loop of self-blame and second-guessing, spending an excessive amount of time looking backward with regret instead of looking forward with hope.

She keeps talking about “Was I to blame?” and “Could or should I have done something differently?” she keeps asking if I think she still loves her husband. Reading between the lines I think she has jsut ended an affair with an old boyfriend from her teens that she recently met again. There are times when I also have regrets but I don’t let them runining my life but I am getting really worried about her, do you think you can help?

This was my Reply

You are a true friend, I hope we can combine our efforts to get Liz back on track and looking forward to her future.

I would say most people have rgerets and if they don’t I would doubt their honesty where the difference is is when the regret becomes stuct in your subconcis mind and I think this has happened with your friend.

We all know the past ahs gone and no one can ever change the past sometimes its very difficult but a regret is usually the beginning of someone admitting a huge mistake and then guilt could start.

Regretts are a common problem and we have a MP3 download that will help your friend here is how it could work:

Title Don’t Regrets is an audio hypnosis session click here under ‘Enjoy Life’ tenth line down look for  developed to significantly ease a path to a life free from unnecessary regrets. 
Powerful hypnotic suggestions will ease you into a profound trance state – the ideal ‘learning state’ for the brain. You don’t have to work out what to do – you can just sit back and effortlessly absorb the transformative process as it manifests around you in trance.
Almost without noticing how you are doing it, you will find that you just naturally begin to:

   Recategorise events from your past
   Feel a great freeing up of energy and enthusiasm for life
   Focus on the here and now
   Create a new purpose and meaning for yourself in line with your values


I have sent the link to your personal email address there are more treatments click here to view our full range

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Please Note: All images are for illustrative purposes only. All stories and experiences are published under strict confidentiality agreements, they are not images of the actual clients.

Eric Cuthbert


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